• SWH Featured Prior to Chiefs Game Feb. 15

    Come see Spokane Women’s Hockey play at the Spokane Arena February 15th in The Spokane Veterans Memorial Arena! Doors will open at 3:30 for ticket holders and we play at 4:00, followed by the Spokane Chiefs at 6:00. We will also have an information table set up, so visit us during the game if you are interested in learning about our fantastic league!

  • SWH sweat shirts for sale!

    Order yours now!

  • Need Captains for this season

    Please volunteer to be a captain for a team. You can pick your co-captain before the season starts or from the team you get.

    It takes a village to run to our organization!

    Duties include weekly communication with your team on the upcoming games. Communication and organizing with other captains on finding subs for each Friday. We also ask that one Captain or Co-captain from each team attend our monthly SWH League meetings to bring back any important information to your players.

    Thank you!

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When you win, say nothing, when you lose say less.

Wayne Gretzky